Introducing k-Plan for Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Modelling

Brainbox are very excited to introduce k-Plan - an advanced modelling tool for the precision planning of transcranial ultrasound procedures - to our catalogue of non-invasive brain stimulation products.

Developed by leading TUS researchers at University College London and the Brno University of Technology, k-Plan is a cloud-based computational modelling program that allows users to plan and simulate their desired TUS protocols with no knowledge of numerical modelling or high-performance computing required.

The program will sit alongside the NeuroFUS PRO system, designed for delivering transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation.


k-Plan draws on more than a decade of cutting-edge research into ultrasound modelling and planning for transcranial ultrasound therapy. More than just a research tool, k-Plan features a refined UI/UX shaped by extensive formative user testing.

"We are very excited to see how k-Plan will help to transform transcranial focused ultrasound research in the coming years," said Andrew Thomas, Managing Director of Brainbox Ltd, "k-Plan has the potential to completely revolutionise the planning of TUS research and open up these powerful computational modelling techniques to a wide new audience of researchers."

k-Plan will be featured in a live demonstration at the upcoming An Introduction to Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation workshop at the 4th International Brain Stimulation Conference in Charleston, South Carolina on December 8.