Brainbox will be exhibiting at the 5th International Brain Stimulation Conference in Portugal

Brainbox will be joining Elsevier at the 5th International Brain Stimulation Conference in Portugal for 2023.

The upcoming meeting will feature a diverse range of experts, including basic scientists, engineers, psychiatrists, cognitive neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and brain-modelling physicists. By bringing together such a multidisciplinary group, the meeting will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the latest advances in the field and explore new avenues of research. Attendees can expect engaging lectures and discussions, as well as the chance to network with other professionals in their field. This cross-disciplinary approach will enable a productive atmosphere that will inspire new ideas and insights.

Subjects will include:

During the conference, Brainbox will be holding a free breakfast workshop at the event focusing on an introduction to Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation (TUS/tFUS) on Monday 20 February.

Click here to register for the free breakfast workshop



Conference details

Name: 5th International Brain Stimulation Conference

Date: 18-22 February 2023

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

For more information and to register please click here