
Brainbox Ltd announces a new partnership with Mobile-EEG innovators, mBrainTrain.

Brainbox Ltd announces a new partnership with Mobile-EEG innovators, mBrainTrain. With the advent of mobile EEG technology, the horizon of neuroimaging is expanding dramatically, empowering…

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Brainbox to attend BIOMAG with MAG4Health

We're attending BIOMAGBrainbox Ltd and MAG4Health are thrilled to announce our joint exhibition space at BIOMAG. Together we are bringing the innovative 4HE OPM-MEG to the attendees of the BIOMAG…

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Optimising Transcranial Electrical Stimulation for Visual Excitability

Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) has garnered significant attention for its potential to modulate brain functions and alleviate symptoms in various psychiatric disorders. Specifically, tES…

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Deciphering Social Influence: Insights from NeuroFUS Research

In the realm of decision-making, our choices often pivot on a myriad of cues, including social influences and prior experiences. A recent study by Mahmoodi et al. (2024), delves into the intricate…

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Enhancing Brain Power and Emotional Well-being with Transcranial Electrical Stimulation.

In the ever-evolving landscape of neuroscience and mental health research, innovative technologies continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. A recent study by researchers at University of…

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Non-Cryogenic 4He Sensors for Thermal Flexibility

The integration of non-cryogenic helium-4 sensors within the OPM-MEG system represents a ground-breaking shift in the system's responsiveness to magnetic changes associated with brain activity. The…

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